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Here are some of the most common questions:

To book an initial consultation online you can contact me via the form found at this link or by sending an email to info@annachiarastenico.com.

Once I receive your request, I will contact you via email to arrange a date and time that is functional for both of us.

I remind you that for the initial consultation, the required documents are:

– Prescription from the attending physician (find the fac simile here);

– Filled and signed “Privacy Consent” form;

– Most recent blood test (maximum 1 year ago);

– 3-day food diary (completed and returned to me prior to the session).

The main goal of the initial consultation is to get to know you and understand how I can help you best: the focus will be on what you eat and your lifestyle, any diets you have been on in the past, eventual behaviors and/or food choices, your goals, health-related issues you wish to improve. All this information will allow me to create a highly personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan tailored to your needs. 


The first visit, which is held online and takes about 60 minutes, includes:

– Dietary history

– Physical activity and exercise history

– Medical and physiological history

– Determination of treatment goals

– Anthropometric parameters (weight, height, circumferences) will be taken by yourself and only if deemed relevant to the path you wish to undertake

The date of the follow-up visit will be chosen together at the end of the first visit. If further follow-ups are then needed, we will evaluate together the most suitable date at the end of each follow-up visit.

The follow-up visit, which is held online and takes about 30 minutes, includes:

– Dietetic history re-evaluation

– Physical activity and exercise history re-evaluation

– Medical and physiological history re-evaluation

– Monitoring of treatment goals

– Adaptation of nutritional plan

The frequency of follow-up visits is determined together at the end of the first visit or each follow-up visit thereafter, if considered  relevant.

Follow-up visits are important in order to complete the nutritional pathway and achieve your goals. They consist, in fact, in monitoring the diet, adjusting it and evaluating and discussing difficulties in order to present solutions and strategies to be able to continue the course in the best possible way.

The cost of the initial online visit is 122€, while the cost of each follow-up visit is 62€, both including a 2€ revenue stamp.

Nutrition education counseling involves only one interview, the cost of which is €75, including a €2 revenue stamp.

The diet plan, which will be processed in 5 working days and sent to you via e-mail, includes:
– A diet plan customized to your needs
– A weekly sample menu
– A list with blood tests to request to your doctor, if needed
– Specific directions and advice on how to best manage your diet

Anthropometric measurements are not the focus of the consultation, they are just parameters that can be useful in some cases as totally superfluous in others. If they are necessary, the patient will take them himself, while in cases where a more precise and in-depth measurement is deemed necessary (to assess body composition or bone density), the patient will be referred to other professionals or referral entities in their area.

Yes, the medical prescription is mandatory for everyone without exception.

The prescription can be two ways:
– Handwritten by the doctor on white letterhead with the caption “Requested dietitian visit for …. indicate the reason for the visit,” signed and stamped;
– Share with your doctor the facsimile that you find at this link or that I sent you via email, having it filled out and signed.
The exact wording is: “Requested dietitian visit for …. indicate the reason for the visit.”
It is always better to ask your doctor to write himself the above and then, as with any other prescription or health document, simply send the photo to me via e-mail or Whatsapp.

No, the concept of self-certification does not apply. It is important that even in this case the first visit is prescribed by your primary care physician.

You can pay through bank transfer and PayPal. You will receive the invoice via email once payment is received.

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