
What my clients say about me!

"Annachiara is a unique professional. The path I took with her helped me to achieve my goals in terms of physical and sporting performance, without sacrificing mental serenity. The doctor was able to construct a plan that reflected my needs without depriving me of anything, on the contrary, making me really appreciate the diet itself. Moreover, she was always available and prompt in answering any doubts, clarifications or even simple curiosity. I can therefore only thank her and highly recommend a consultation with her!"
"I turned to Annachiara with two aims: to lose those 4kg that winter had given me and at the same time to make my diet more sustainable! I found a trained, enthusiastic and empathetic professional! Her nutritional diagrams were easy to follow and almost immediately removed those cravings that were making me splurge! After a few months the 4 kg were gone, my blood tests much improved and sustainable eating became a pleasant habit! Well done Annachiara!"
"Annachiara is very helpful and understanding, and the biggest plus I found was the versatility of the diet: compared to others I had followed in the past, it was much easier and more pleasant to follow given the possibility of swapping meals, as the nutritional values were almost the same."
"I was unsure whether to start a dietary path with a nutritionist. The desire to become vegetarian was the deciding factor in turning to Annachiara, a friend and professional in the field. I was extremely surprised at the benefits I obtained by following her advice and guidance. I was able to get used to an extremely more conscious, balanced and healthy diet. My own routine has changed in a positive way, now characterised by many healthy meals and snacks that punctuate the day. The benefits on a sporting level are just as good. What can I say, just thank you for opening my eyes to vegetarian eating and caring for my body."
"I am getting on very well with Annachiara and the path she has prepared for me. With the diet plan I can already see improvements, especially in terms of energy and wellbeing of the body. Beyond the guidance I have been given, however, the most special thing is being able to rely on a professional who is so human and willing to listen."
"Following the diet plan Annachiara made for me has changed my relationship with food. Not only have I lost weight but I have more energy than ever! I have more desire to exercise. I also got closer to vegetarian/vegan food with tasty and quick-to-make recipes. I am very happy with this path that has now become my lifestyle!"